

1. Nurse’s Aide Program

Approvals and Regulation

Nursing Bridges Nurse Aide Program is Approved and Regulated by Texas Career Schools and Colleges
(Under Title 3, Texas Education Code, Chapter 132, and Title 40, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 807 by the TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION.)


The nurse aide program is a 10 weeks course and classes begin every three months. Every student is expected to complete the entire course curriculum in order to graduate. A certificate of completion will be issued to student upon graduation. In order to practice in the state of Texas, student must take the final Nurse Aide competency Examination administered by the Department of aging and Disability through Pearson Vue Nurse Aide competency Examination Services (NACES). Upon passing the Examination, student will be listed in the Nurse Aide Registry.

Course Outcome

Students will describe the role and responsibility of a nurse aide in long term and acute care facility. Student will accurately describe and demonstrate the appropriate skills required to assist clients with activities of daily living and also care for clients with complex medical conditions. Students will demonstrate acceptable communication and interpersonal skills. Student will correctly list types of healthcare facilities, describe common beliefs about aging, list signs of aging, and explain the rights of the elderly. Student will correctly demonstrate proper hand washing techniques, using personal protective equipment (PPE), identify when to implement isolation precautions, demonstrate acceptable communication and interpersonal skills.

Delivery Method

Classroom lecture with audio visual aids, clinical Lab simulation and clinical facility rotation. Currently due to the COVID-19, Gulf Coast Nursing Career Institute has transitioned to virtual and laboratory training as recommended by Human Services (HHSC). We will be changing our class days to Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday to allow for self studies and adequate time for assignment submission.

Nurse Aide Course Calendar

March 3, 2014 - May 19, 2014June 2, 2014 - August 12, 2014August 25, 2014 - November 4, 2014November 17, 2014 -January 27, 2015
Theory and ClinicalTheory and ClinicalTheory and ClinicalTheory and Clinical

Tuition, Fees and Other Special Charges

Books & Supplies$150.00
Background Check$35.00
Class Tuition$550.00$835.00

Entrance /Admission Requirement

All prospective students must meet all admission requirements for acceptance into any of the programs. All applicants must submit the documents listed below to the admissions office: At 14425 Cornerstone Village Dr. Houston, Texas 77014 USA

  1. High school Diploma, GED, and/or Official transcripts.
  2. Applicants must be 18 years and above.
  3. A written certification from a physician that student is in good health and able to participate in clinical rotations, and provide proof of up to date immunization.
  4. Criminal history background check.

During the course of the program a grade of 75% or higher is expected to be maintained throughout in order to advance in the course of study; and all courses must be completed in sequence of the program curriculum.

Applicants seeking Re-admission /Re-entry into the program must complete a fresh application and undergo the admission process.

Graduation Requirement

In order to graduate, the student must successfully complete all course work listed in the curriculum within 10 weeks. Must maintain a grade of 75% or above   

Employment Opportunity

  1. Acute care Hospital
  2.  Convalescent Hospitals (Long Term Care, Skilled Nursing)
  3.  Home care Agencies
  4.  Outpatient clinics
  5.  Doctor’s offices
  6. Group home/Assisted living facility
  7. Private duty /sitter and companion

Salary Range

Nurse Aide Salaries range between $12.00/hr and $18.00/hr.

Salaries could be more based on experience and nature of the job.


To Apply Please Click Here: